Frequently Asked Questions

- MMUF Adjunct Faculty Fellowships
- Eligibility & How to Apply
- Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ: Career Enhancement Fellowship for Adjunct Faculty
What does the Career Enhancement Adjunct Faculty Fellowship include?
The Fellowship includes a $10,000 stipend. The six-month Fellowship period allows Fellows to focus on the research and scholarship necessary to secure a tenure-track position. Fellows are also provided with an assigned mentor and a small informal professional network to provide support during the Fellowship and preparation for tenure-track applications.
Must I teach during the six-month Fellowship period?
Fellows must teach one course during this Fellowship.
When are new Fellowship awards announced?
New grant awards are announced in mid-to late February.
How is the stipend disbursed to Fellows?
Stipends are sent directly to the Fellows in January or June depending on the fellowship term.
If selected, may I defer the Fellowship?
Fellowships may not be deferred.
What reporting is required of Career Enhancement Adjunct Faculty Fellows?
Career Enhancement Adjunct Faculty Fellows are required to submit a final report at the end of the grant period that includes a plan for application to tenure-track positions. The Fellow is also required to keep the Institute for Citizens & Scholars abreast of their status in acquiring a tenure-track position. Fellows will receive occasional surveys from the foundation to monitor progress and be updated with targeted communications.
I have a doctoral degree other than a Ph.D. Am I eligible to apply?
You must hold a Ph.D. to be eligible for this fellowship
I do not see my field of study in the list of eligible fields. Is my program eligible for support?
Only fields which have been designated by Mellon Foundation are eligible for support (see eligible fields). To ask about the eligibility of a particular field you may contact us at
Am I eligible if my field of study is categorized within the physical sciences (Computer Science, Earth/Environmental/Geological Sciences, Ecology, Geology, Mathematics, Oceanographic/Marine/Atmospheric/Planetary Science, Physics and Astronomy)?
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows whose field of study is in the physical sciences should contact us to inquire about their eligibility at
Are social work and clinical psychology eligible fields of study?
No, only fields designated by the Mellon Foundation are eligible. (See eligible fields)
When must the application materials be received on the deadline date?
All application materials must be RECEIVED by 5:00pm on November 1, 2024.
How should letters of recommendation be submitted?
Letters of recommendation should be submitted through the online application.