Civic Spring: Application Links
Applications for the summer 2023 cohort of the Civic Spring Fellowship are now closed.
The Civic Spring Fellowship allows teams of four to seven young people to strengthen their civic capacities while addressing an identified community need. Teams will develop the knowledge and skills to address a community priority while developing strong networks and capacities to drive meaningful change for the long term.
Teams will be made up of one or two Team Lead(s) and four to five additional Team Members. Team Leads and Team Members must each complete a separate application.

Fellow Team Lead
Team Leads can be 14 years old or older; this position is ideal for educators, youth leaders, faith leaders, community members, out-of-school-time program managers, students in college or graduate school, retirees, etc. Fellow Team Leads can work with one other Co-Lead.

Fellows must be between the ages of 14 and 24. Fellows will work with the Fellow Team Lead in groups of four to five to complete the project.

Civic Spring Coaches can be young people or adults. Coaches will work with a Team Lead or Leads and small group of Fellows to provide insight and guidance on Civic Spring learning experiences to support the team’s community-based work.
More Fellowship Information
Fellowship Team Information Coach Information Past Civic Spring Fellows Frequently Asked Questions